Monday, September 3, 2007

Seventh Meeting: Respect for Health & Environment

.As I read this article about the effects of smoking and drinking of alcohol, I realize that is not really good for our body. Those persons especially students who are a smoker, their lungs became weak and it can caused a lung cancer. I heard from my friends or other people who are smoking, for them, it is difficult to stop. I cant explain the reason why, but maybe it also like those who are taking drugs.
.In drinking alcohol, it is ok to drink but not too heavy and drink all the time. I confess that I drink alcohol BUT when there is only a special occassions like birthdays. I know to myself that it is not good for my body.

1 comment:

Darien Ford said...

Hi Sarah. You are very right, smoking, drug use and alcohol use can be what is called addictive.

How does that work? Well, there are chemicals in all of those things that makes your body feel good for a short period of time. If you start to do them regularly, your body starts to expect these chemicals, and when you don't have them, it misses them.

This makes you have cravings, like when you really want ice cream, or chocolate or candies, only instead, it's for the chemicals.